You start your walk in front of the old Tacot station, which used to link Corbigny to Saulieu. This small train with 3 or 4 carriages carried people and goods (livestock, poultry, wood, lime, stone) across the Morvan every day. It took 5 hours to cover the 80km journey.

After just 3km, you'll reach the highest point of the walk: Mont de la Justice. You're on the western border of the Morvan. You'll see the Morvan mountains on your left, and in front of you, the landscape becomes gentler. The landscape opens out onto the Yonne valley, named after the river that meanders through it.

On the way back down, you will pass close to the hamlet of La Maladrerie, whose place-name recalls that the plague patients were grouped together and cared for here, outside the ramparts.

A few metres from the end of your route, you'll pass the Etang du Goulot. The perfect place to get together, you can walk around it if you have any energy left. It's just 1.5km, with no change in altitude or difficulty. Keep your mobile phone handy, as the many QR codes will tell you a little more about the surrounding trees.

En résumé