Your journey begins at the Maison du Parc Naturel Régional du Morvan, where you can visit the Museum of the Resistance, the Ecomuseum of People and Landscapes, take a number of educational trails or stop off at the Bistrot du Parc. You then head off into the Breuil-Chenue national forest. At the heart of this forest was a granite quarry, the stones from which were used for many of the buildings in the area, including the Lac des Settons dam.

Once you reach the Chalet de Breuil, you'll be at the starting point of several downhill mountain bike trails. Continue on to the Dolmen de Chevresse. This natural rock mass was the site of pagan rites performed in the name of anti-clericalism. After the Meix Roblin, take a break at the Saut de Gouloux to admire this magnificent waterfall. If you fancy a second stop, visit the Marchand clog factory, whose expertise has been passed down through 3 generations.

Before finishing your tour, you'll pass through the town of St Brisson along the old royal road that used to link Corbigny to Saulieu, and skirt the Etang Taureau, a Natural Area of Ecological, Faunistic and Floristic Interest.

Soa Lesport - OT MSGL
Passerelle Saut de Gouloux Soa Lesport - OT MSGL
Ruine du moulin de Gouloux Miguel BOUTTRY
Nièvre Tourisme
Dolmen Chevresse

Nièvre Tourisme

Miguel Bouttry - OT MSGL
Vache Saint Brisson Miguel Bouttry - OT MSGL
En résumé
A propos
Passerelle Saut de Gouloux Soa Lesport - OT MSGL
Ruine du moulin de Gouloux Miguel BOUTTRY
Dolmen Chevresse

Nièvre Tourisme

Vache Saint Brisson Miguel Bouttry - OT MSGL