A fascinating geography and history


The distinctive feature of this massif is that its flanks are heavily wooded, but it has a flat summit that forms a stubble (a high-altitude meadow) and offers a particularly unobstructed view of the surrounding countryside. On a clear day, you can even see Mont Blanc!

You can identify them thanks to an orientation table, located near a monument honouring the man who discovered Bibracte, Jacques-Gabriel Bulliot.

The city of Bibracte

Grand Site de France

If you only know the Gauls from Asterix and Obelix, head to the Bibracte oppidum: capital of the Celtic Eduens.

Numerous excavations have taken place on this site, where you can visit the Museum of Celtic Civilisation.

Discover the Bibracte Museum

Take a stroll

If you're feeling more sporty, there are walks along the GR 131 (to Autun), the Bibracte-Alésia itinerary or the Tour des Remparts (a short 1-hour loop around Bibracte).

Practical information: the summit of Mont Beuvray is accessible by car or by free shuttle bus in July and August.

Antoine MAILLIER - Bibracte

A unique mountain

natural zone

Mont Beuvray is part of the Morvan massif and is located in the communes of Saint-Léger-sous-Beuvray (Saône-et-Loire), Glux-en-Glenne and Larochemillay (Nièvre).

Listed as a ZNIEFF (Zones Naturelles d'Intérêt Écologique, Faunistique et Floristique) and Natura 2000 site, Mont-Beuvray is of considerable natural scientific interest. Indeed, rare and protected species have been living in this geographical area for years. And its slopes are covered in centuries-old oak and beech trees!

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Antoine MAILLIER - Bibracte