Getting up high

The peaks of the Morvan

Looking for beautiful views or a walk in the snow in winter? Don't hesitate to head for the heights. We've put together a selection for you.

Haut-Folin Antenne
Miguel Bouttry - OT MSGL
On the roof of Burgundy

Le Haut-Folin

The Haut-Folin, the highest point in Burgundy, is entirely covered in forest, with some great walks, a natural wetland reserve and even a village of elves...

Mont Beuvray
Soa Lesport - OT MSGL
Mont Beuvray
Stories and mysteries

Le mont Beuvray

The site of the ancient Gallic capital of Bibracte, Mont Beuvray is best known for its Europe-famous archaeological site, its uninterrupted view as far as the Alps and its mysterious queule forest.

Panorama Calvaire Château-Chinon
Miguel Bouttry - OT MSGL
Observing the horizon

The Panoramas

The mountainous nature of the Morvan means that there are some great views of the massif or its foothills from the summits.

En résumé