Voilier 7 personnes "Ludic" -morvan-Lac des Settons - ACTIVITAL
Lieu-dit Les Branlasses
  • French
  • Credit card, Payment cards, Cheques and postal orders, Holiday vouchers, Cash, Eurocard - Mastercard, Bank transfers, Visa
Rates & Opening hours Opening :

From 01/09/24 to 31/10/24 de 09:30 until 12:00 - de 14:00 until 17:30

From 01/11/24 to 31/03/25 de 09:30 until 13:00 - de 14:00 until 16:00.
Closed on : Friday, Saturday, Sunday

activity centre reception open
from 01/01/2024 to 31/03/2024 from 9.30am to 1pm and from 2pm to 4pm, Monday to Thursday
during this period, if you would like to meet us or take a tour, please make an appointment.
from 01/04/2024 to 30/06/2024 from 9.30am to 12pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm, every day
from 01/07/2024 to 01/09/2024, from 9am to 6pm, every day
from 02/09 to 31/10/2024, from 9.30am to 12pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm, every day
from 01/11/2024 to 31/12/2024, from 9.30am to 1pm and from 2pm to 4pm, Monday to Thursday

Rates :
  • Base rate (collective sailboat hire 'ludic 1h : 52€ 2h : 73€ 3h : 99€ Sailboat requiring sailing knowledge) : 52€ - 99€
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